History of the Disciples
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) grew out of two movements seeking Christian unity that sprang up almost simultaneously in western Pennsylvania and Kentucky – movements that were backlashes against the rigid denominationalism of the early 1800s.
Thomas and Alexander Campbell, a Presbyterian Scotch-Irish immigrant father and son in Pennsylvania, rebelled against the dogmatic sectarianism that kept members of different denominations – and even factions within the same denomination – from partaking of the Lord’s Supper together Barton W. Stone, a fifth-generation American in Kentucky and also a Presbyterian, objected to the use of creeds as tests of “fellowship” within the church, which were a cause of disunity, especially at the Lord’s table. He was a key participant in the Restoration Movement following the Cane Ridge Revival of 1801 near Paris, KY.
“Christians,” the name adopted by Stone’s movement, represented what he felt to be a shedding of denominational labels in favor of a scriptural and inclusive term. Campbell had similar reasons for settling on “Disciples of Christ” but he felt the term “Disciples” less presumptuous than “Christians.” The aims and practices of the two groups were similar, and the Campbell and Stone movements united in 1832 in Lexington, KY after about a quarter of a century of separate development.
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a North American denomination. Its history has led it into being a multicultural/racially diverse denomination. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has no creed as measure of membership. We as Disciples, while practicing and believing in the believers baptism, accept all forms of baptism as valid. The Disciples require, for membership, a public declaration of faith including a repentance of sins, declaration that Jesus is the Son of God and that through his sacrificial death we have the opportunity of everlasting life.
(This history of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is based upon and uses part of the History of the Disciples of Christ found on the General churches website at WWW.Disciples.org)